Knowledge and Attitude Towards Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Primi Mothers Admitted in Maternity Hospital at Puducherry

Author Details

Gunasakthi G, Manjubala Dash, A Felicia Chitra, S Jayanthi

Journal Details


Published: 19 June 2020 | Article Type :


Background: Breastfeeding is widely recognized as the recommended method of infant feeding worldwide. Exclusive Breastfeeding as the optimal feeding regime for children. Exclusive breastfeeding refers to feeding the infant only breast milk—nothing else, not even water—for six months, followed by continued breastfeeding with appropriate complementary feeding up to and beyond two years of age.

Aim: This study was aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude towards importance of exclusive Breastfeeding among Primi mothers admitted at Maternity Hospital, Puducherry.

Methodology: A Quantitative Descriptive research design was used. 30 Mothers were selected by using Purposive Sampling Technique who fulfilled the inclusion criteria and who were available during the period of data collection at selected Maternity Hospital, Puducherry. Data was collected by using Semi Structured questionnaire.

Result: The study result found that 22(73%) having Moderate knowledge, 8(27%%) having Adequate knowledge and the present study found that 26(87%) having Positive attitude, 4(13%) having Negative attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding among Primi mothers. Association between the selected demographic variables of knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding among Primi mothers. It was statistically found that the there is no significant association between knowledge on exclusive breastfeeding among Primi mothers and selected demographic variables. Association between the selected demographic variables towards attitude on exclusive breastfeeding among Primi mothers. It was statistically found that the there is no significant association between Attitude towards exclusive breastfeeding among Primi mothers and selected demographic variables.

Conclusion: The study concluded Majority of had Moderate knowledge on exclusive Breastfeeding and Positive attitude towards exclusive Breatfeeding. Education regarding breastfeeding should be given to all Primi mothers to improve their knowledge and attitude of breastfeeding which may aid in reducing infant and child morbidity and mortality rates.

Keywords: Exclusive breastfeeding, Primi mothers, Knowledge and attitude.

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How to Cite


Gunasakthi G, Manjubala Dash, A Felicia Chitra, S Jayanthi. (2020-06-19). "Knowledge and Attitude Towards Importance of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Primi Mothers Admitted in Maternity Hospital at Puducherry." *Volume 3*, 1, 9-17